

You can search karaoke songs over 15,000 songs. You can search Anime songs, Game songs, vocaloids / Touhou songs.

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What is Anikara!?

When singing an anison with a karaoke box, have you noticed it?
"I want to find songs with PV"
"I want to know the range that I can sing to"
"I want to find Vocaloid songs that are being delivered at karaoke"
"I want to save songs I want to sing at karaoke" ... etc.

Anikara! Can be searched by "Artist" "Anime title".
"Search for songs with PV", "Search in the Singing range", Search for vocaloid songs "," Search Release Year "is also possible.

The model corresponds to LIVE DAM, Premier DAM, BB cyber DAM JOYSOUND f1, CROSSO, HyperJoy WAVE, UGA next, UGA plus.

Please use Anikara! To make karaoke life better!!

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